
Undergraduate Research Hub
Undergraduate Research Programs at UCSD aim to provide opportunities for funded research to undergraduates from various disciplines. CAMP and McNair programs target ethnically underrepresented minority and first-generation students. Annual conferences sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Programs office give scholars the opportunity to present the fruits of their studies. The office also offers scholarships and funds study-abroad opportunities. Be sure to check out their website for details on the services they offer.

The Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) brings together STEM students from all backgrounds to share in the beauty of STEM research. ABRCMS displays the stellar work being done by scientists from marginalized backgrounds in an effort to demonstrate to its attendees that everyone has a place in STEM. Plenary talks and professional development seminars provide useful skills and ways of thinking for success in science.

SACNAS is the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. SACNAS supports scientists at all stages in their scientific career - from students to professors. Chapters are dispersed across the globe - and there is an active one at our very own UCSD. The SACNAS UCSD Chapter offers a community for marginalized scientists on campus, as well as opportunities to conduct year-round on-campus research. Moreover, each year, UCSD chapter members are sponsored to attend the annual SACNAS conference.

The AMGEN Scholars Program is an undergraduate summer research experience that takes place on 4 continents across the world, including North America. Over 4000 alumni have been produced by the program. Participants are placed into cutting-edge laboratories where they engage in independent research, the results of which they can present at an annual conference for the program.
The Summer Training Academy for Research Success (STARS) is held annually by the Graduate Division. STARS supports students interested in all disciplines and provides training in research as well as professional development seminars. Furthermore, STARS students benefit from graduate school development through GRE classes as well as guidance for applying to graduate fellowships.